Care for the Wild: Hunting Laws in France

In France, there are various laws that exist in order to protect the wildlife. Hunting over the country is a regulated act within the law as well as the possibilities of domestic violence. Before, hunting in the wilderness is a privilege that was enjoyed by many land owners. Unfortunately, this was abolished but the freedom to hunt still remains.


Various Hunting Laws in France

For some, hunting wild animals is very exciting. That’s why there are lots of country where sport hunting has been enjoyed. In addition to the thrill is the chance of experiencing the wilderness via the use of the best cellular trail camera. However, in France, this would not be possible as there are different hunting laws that exist.


THE LAW OF MAY 3, 1844

When we would talk of fundamentals of the different laws for hunting, this law fits in. Along with this, there are several laws that are linked to this. One of which is the Verdeille Law or the Law 64-696 of July 10, 1964 which discussed the arrangement of territories. Another is the inclusion of the accredited hunting associations.

It also enclosed the addition of authoritative course of action to outweigh the animal damage during the big game. This took effect in 1969. One more law that take effect is enforced in 1975. This is all about the requirement of having a hunting license. An examination is required prior to the issuance of such license.

Furthermore, aside from the national hunting policies, the law for the conservation of fauna and flora also arise. With regards to this, the concept of ecology and protection of species became connected to hunting statutes.


THE LAW OF JULY 26, 2000

This law catered all the legal and regulatory groundwork for hunting within France. The law of July 26, 2000 is also known as Law no. 2000-698. However, this law was ended by the laws enforced in July 30, 2003 and in February 23, 2005. These laws ameliorated particular provisions such as issuance of hunting license and sale of big game.

All the succeeding laws and legal basis for hunting were reinforced in article L 420-1 of the Environment Code.

Moreover, these laws also mark the roles of quantity of organizations accountable for inspecting hunting over the entire France.
