Smart Carpet Cleaning Waterwaste Management

Why is carpet cleaning wastewater raising a concern?

Wastewater coming from carpet cleaning could include soap, cleaning solutions, dirt, grease, oil, solvents, along with other dangerous and toxic compounds. These typical contaminants can get into our rivers and streams and cause harm to animals and plants.

Where and how do you get rid of wastewater from carpet cleaning. Imaging what can happen to our water ways when it is contaminated with carpet cleaning wastewater. This could be an unsightly scenario and that is exactly what our government and other environmentalists are trying to do, protect our waterways.

In this regard, carpet cleaning companies like Carpet Cleaning in Irvine should carry out suitable BMPs or best management practices in order to avoid these contaminants from getting into drains as well as ditches.

Management of Carpet Cleaning Wastewater

Clever Carpet Cleaning Routines

Evaluate the site: Before beginning the task, do a very quick location check. Take a note on stormwater drains and be sure they are protected from any kind of spills or runoffs.

Make sure to vacuum prior to cleaning: This reduces the quantity of contaminants to be included in the wastewater.

Adhere to guidelines: Make use of the proposed type and quantity of chemical substances recommended. This includes water based, low phosphate products, and biodegrable products based on the manufacturer’s directions. Keep in mind, it doesn’t mean that when a product is labeled biodegradable, it is safe to discharge it to the storm drain. This must not be the case. Handle and store detergents as well as chemicals within a covered container in an area away from possible spills that can get into the storm drain.

Make sure to filter all wastewater from carpet cleaning before even releasing it to the sewer system. Filtering is important because fibers along with other debris that may go into the wastewater could block water lines. The filtered elements could be discarded into the trash, except if the waste materials is toxified. Waste which has dangerous contaminants should conform to the dangerous waste polices of environment laws. Should you need assistance to determine if your waste products are dangerous and how they must be discarded, speak to a hazardous waste professional at the closest Ecology business office.
