Respect The 5 Fundamental Laws Of The Universe

Get what you want by respecting the 5 fundamental laws of the universe

One very important thing we need to know from an early age is that the world we live in is governed by laws. In the society in which we operate, if you break a law, with it you bear the consequences. The universe in which we live works in the same way. This is not rocket science or a phenomenon based on numerologies like those found on Mindfulness and Justice. This is a natural law that had been with us since the beginning of time.

Universal Laws That Govern Life On Earth

There are people who seemed to do everything to fulfill life and yet they failed. Why? They violated the fundamental laws of the universe. So if you want success in life and get everything that you want, you have to respect the 5 fundamental laws.

Everything is energy

“If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, vibration, frequency.” – Nikola Tesla (Inventor)

Energy is the fundamental law of the universe and the other laws derive from it. All you see around you is energy. What you see, smell, and hear are energy. Your beliefs and thoughts are also another form of energy, which you perceive only at the subconscious level. Ideas are a form of energy, health, relationships, even money are a form of energy. And energy is of two kinds: positive or negative. It is up to you to surround yourself with the right, good, positive energy, which will help you overcome obstacles more easily and get from life exactly what you need to be fulfilled.

Nothing is lost, everything is transformed

If you feel that you have lost something, think that what you have lost helps you gain experience, a different perception of things develops your emotional intelligence, and helps you gain more wisdom. You lost some things to gain something better. Anything negative turns into good if you have the strength and desire to see that good.

The law of attraction

A popular proverb says that what resembles is gathered. In physics, vibrations that have the same frequency tend to attract each other. A phenomenon called resonance. For example, if you complain all day that you are not feeling well, you will attract other reasons in your life to complain. This way you will enter a vicious circle from which it will not be easy for you to get out.

In other words, if you are grateful for the things you have in your life, you attract other beautiful things to be grateful for. It may sound trivial, but it really works, at least in my case it worked.

How do you apply this law in practice? Don’t complain or blame yourself for 30 days and watch the results.

The law of duality

The universe is dual in the very basic element that makes it up – the atom. Inside it is two types of electrical charges: positive and negative. For the atom to be in balance, the two types of energies need to be equal. Therefore, if the basic elements of this reality are built on duality, it means that we live in a world that finds its balance through duality. For example, there can be no left without right, hot without cold, or up without bottom. Any situation or object must have opposite features simultaneously. This law of duality allows the balance to exist.

When you attach to a final result, this attachment is like a force applied to your goal. The greater the attachment, the greater the force that opposes the achievement of the goal. People are struggling to achieve their goals. Tired of so much struggling, they detach. That is the moment when the pressure disappears and the desired result appears. Therefore, there is no success without failure, support without challenge, qualities without defects.

The law of tithing

In one of the financial education courses I attended, I learned the following principle: if you want to have a better financial situation, pay yourself first, after you have paid God for the first time. Tithing can be offered from any resource you have and can be offered to anyone who feels they need it. You can give time, involvement, money, knowledge, material resources, or attention. Tithing works like a seed that you plant now, and later you will reap the fruits.
