Why You should not skip Reading Terms and Conditions

When you sign up for a new service, app or online account, you’ll probably be asked to agree to a Terms and Conditions document. Even if it feels like an inconvenience at first glance, it’s good practice to read them before you sign up, rather than after you’ve signed up.

The worst thing that can happen when agreeing to Terms and Conditions is that you don’t read them, and as a result, something bad happens later on. That said, it’s not exactly the most thrilling reading material in the world either. So why is it important to read? Let us explain.

To Know What You’re Agreeing to

This is a very important one for obvious reasons. When you agree to terms and conditions, you’re committing to a contract. If you violate the contract, then you are at risk of being penalized, and possibly even sued.

It’s a good idea to understand what you’re agreeing to so that you can make an informed decision as to whether it is sound or not. For example, if you’re signing up for a service and they say they’re allowed to sell or share your information with third parties, you’ll want to make sure that’s a rule you’re comfortable with.

To Know What You’ll Have to Pay

If you’re signing up for a service, it’s important to understand how you’ll be charged.

It’s especially important to read the terms and conditions if you’re signing up for a new mobile phone plan.

It’s very easy to sign up for a service that you don’t recognize, as they often hide the full cost of the service in the Terms and Conditions. It’s common, for example, to see a service advertised as being “free” when in reality you’re being charged a fee each month. If you sign up for a service that you don’t understand, you may find yourself paying for it unintentionally.

To Know if There are Any Restrictions or Limitations

Some services will impose certain restrictions on use of the product or service.
